



Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held at the Civic Centre, Dee Why on


Tuesday 26 September 2023


Beginning at 6:00pm for the purpose of considering and determining matters included in this agenda.




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Scott Phillips
Chief Executive Officer







Delivering the highest quality service valued and trusted by our community




Trust Teamwork Respect Integrity Service Leadership




I swear/solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will undertake the duties of the office of councillor in the best interests of the people of the Northern Beaches and the Northern Beaches Council and that I will faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in me under the Local Government Act 1993 or any other Act to the best of my ability and judgement.






















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Agenda for an Ordinary Meeting of Council

to be held on Tuesday 26 September 2023

at the Civic Centre, Dee Why

Commencing at 6:00pm




S.0         Mayoral Minutes.................................................................................................. 5

S.1         Mayoral Minute No 12/2023 - Planning Proposal 2022-3802 – Patyegarang, Morgan Road, Belrose (previously known as Lizard Rock, Morgan Road, Belrose)................ 5




Report To Ordinary Council MEETING

ITEM NO. S.1 - 26 September 2023



S.0      Mayoral Minutes



Mayoral Minute No 12/2023 - Planning Proposal 2022-3802 – Patyegarang, Morgan Road, Belrose (previously known as Lizard Rock, Morgan Road, Belrose)







That Council:

1.       Utilise its communication channels throughout the exhibition period to inform the Northern Beaches community of:

A.      the details of the planning proposal

B.      the importance of making a submission directly to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment

C.      Council’s strong opposition to the planning proposal to develop land at ‘Lizard Rock’ along Morgan Road in Belrose as it would result in the destruction of natural bushland among a range of other concerns.

2.       Receive a report outlining the changes that have been incorporated into the planning proposal at its next Council meeting.



PP-2022-3802 – Patyegarang, Morgan Road, Belrose (previously known as Lizard Rock, Morgan Road, Belrose)

The Sydney North Planning Strategic Planning Panel and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (the department) have recently approved the public exhibition of the above planning proposal. The exhibition period is from 26 September 2023 to 7 November 2023, with the planning proposal and associated documentation available on the department’s website.  Submissions on the exhibition material are to be lodged on this website. 

The planning proposal would allow the destruction of around 45 football size fields of bushland to build 400 plus homes surplus to any housing targets. The new homes would be built in precious bushland and residents would face extreme bushfire risk.

This proposal should be reconsidered in view of significant planning, environmental and hazard issues, including:

·        Bushfire risks – Significant concerns exist regarding the bushfire hazard that applies to the site. Further, the proposal was developed on the premise of evacuation being provided by Morgan Road, including a new slip lane onto Forest Way and a new emergency access onto Oates Place but the availability and utility of these aspects have not been demonstrated in the proposal.

·        Inconsistency with planning strategies – The proposal does not demonstrate strategic merit and is inconsistent with key aspects of the Greater Sydney Region Plan, North District Plan, Northern Beaches Local Strategic Planning Statement – Towards 2040, and Northern Beaches Local Housing Strategy.

·           Inconsistency with Conservation Zones reform – The reform recommends applying a C3 Environmental Management Zone to most of the site due to its high environmental value and the hazards impacting the site.

·           Enormous loss of high biodiversity habitat – With 44.7 hectares of bushland to be cleared (equivalent to the size of around 45 rugby fields) the proposal and new development will have significant environmental impact.

Council has repeatedly advised the department that the planning proposal by the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC) does not demonstrate strategic or site-specific merit and should be rejected.

In April 2022, following a Council resolution, Council wrote to federal and state MPs and relevant ministers to negotiate an alternative solution and financial model so that the MLALC can benefit financially from its land and that the land is preserved as is – in perpetuity.

Whilst Council supports the intent of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 and appreciates the importance of enabling Aboriginal people to achieve economic self-determination through developing land, this particular proposal lacks merit due to the significant planning, environmental and hazard issues.

It is this lack of merit that underpins Council’s position. The consequences of the proposal are simply unacceptable and do not reflect the community’s aspirations for this site.

This matter has been of significant community interest and will continue to be so. It is therefore vitally important that our community is informed using the appropriate communication channels and resources of Council.

To that end, I call on Council to endorse an approach that ensures our community is made aware of the opportunity to make a submission and is provided with information over and above what the NSW Department of Planning Environment is promoting.

In addition, I request that a report outlining the changes that have been incorporated into the planning proposal, which is on public exhibition, be presented to the Council meeting on 24 October 2023.

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Sue Heins



Northern Beaches Council - Wards Map